Sunday, August 1, 2021

Life is A Beautiful Commitment with Friends Around

 Few thoughts on Friendship Day:

Though I have a fundamental disagreement on putting such Sacred Emotion tied to one particular day, at the same time I do see this as a perfect occasion to thank God and remember, recognize and celebrate for having those wonderful souls who made my life worth living - called FREINDS. One quote that truly immortalizes this beautiful bond goes like this

"Celebrate the people in your life who are there because they love you for no other reason than because you are YOU.”
― Mandy Hale, The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass

There are few principles of life that I strongly believe in

1. Everything happens for a reason, so accept it wholeheartedly
2. Principle of Convergence- In the end, things fall in place to their natural alignment no matter how much you oppose
3. Life is Always Fair to Us, but we are not so, ALWAYS
4. I am HAPPY with what I have, and I do not need what is not with me now.

MY Love and Gratitude to all My friends- am indebted for Life...

Have A Happy Peaceful Life.......

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Duopoly threat in India Telecom Market- is Customer due for a Rough Ride

-India Telecom Market- Gradually shifting to Duopoly Structure, Is Customer due for a Rough Ride- 

If you look at the India Mobile and Broadband market evolution in the last 2 years there is a visible shift towards Duopoly. This is evident from the increase in subscriber share of key players with two taking the lion's share. The reasons for the downfall for some players are many including quality of service, poor infrastructure,  but the real hammer has been the AGR, Adjusted Gross Revenue, the issue causing huge liabilities on few key players, with one facing deep financial stress.  The matter is pending for final decision with the highest court with little hope of a sizeable respite. 

For the Customer the issue is much bigger as the choice of the operators is gradually pushed down to two (Duopoly) which is not a good development. For information, the broadband market share captured by the two top players is around 80% while the wireless/mobile services held by the same two operators have reached 66% in May 2021 (Source TRAI press release July 29, 2021).  This scenario is not good in any open market and is definitely a setback considering the fact that we successfully opened the economy almost 3 decades back in the early 1990s. 

The question is Who will suffer the most- the Customer who will be taken for a ride, especially on pricing. The price rise looks on the card (in fact 20% increase is already seen in the family plan). The challenges remain, the number-porting in itself is a serious barrier (not an easy task), moreover, the available choice does not help. 

Mobile and broadband services are absolutely essential and have become an integral part of our lives, and demand would only grow in the future especially with entertainment gradually shifting to the consumption of bits and bytes.  

Be ready to Enjoy the future, which is likely to make every use of bits and bytes a bigger hole in your pocket unless we see revival (seems possible) of existing players or entry of new players (looks unlikely).

Your comments and feedback are most welcome.

Have A Happy life..

#Duopoly #competition #telcom #mobile #wirelesscommunications #customersatisfaction

Thursday, June 17, 2021

The Big Question- What makes us HAPPY?

 The Big Question- What makes us HAPPY?

The end objective of all our endeavors is to attain a “Sense and Feeling” of Joy, Happiness, Peace and fulfillment.
Though at the first instance the question looks simple but once you start deliberating on your answer, more likely, it would seem an elusive quest. There is nothing wrong or surprising about the experience, why so...because

So How do we find - what really is our motivation, what really inspires us or bothers and what we really want in life, finally what makes us HAPPY.
What clicks or what is that unique Cue or Act that literally creates a thunder - a storm -a magic in an individual’s mind-heart, that changes the person’s thought process and fills up with positive energy and passion to act / work and achieve what one really desires in heart.
If we translate the ask here then broadly it can be put under three heads:
1. Stress Busters
2. Motivators
3. Inspirations
An Activity, A Person, An Event, A Thought, each of these can fall in any or some or all the three categories listed above.

The Science and Psychology behind the “Act of getting Inspired” and “feeling motivated” do not confine to any one formula or phenomena. The cause / source and subject / object combinations which compliment optimally are the one where seamless emotional cord is synthesized, attributed to subject’s inherent need(S), desire(S) or dream(S) matching with the exuberance (influence) of source testaments or articulations or achievements.
There is no definite answer(S), no straight theorems or x-y like equation to derive the eluding answers. But there are some sure signs which can guide us to find our “JOY SYNTHESIZERS”.

Let us try below acts religiously
1. Give 10 minutes exclusively to Self every day for a one to one intimate conversation. Do it religiously every day with no other work or disturbance.
2. Recall and review the day to find out the feelings, reaction mood etc with respect to an Event, an Activity, a Person, a Place, a Topic etc.
3. Repeat the steps religiously everyday till you make it routine aspect of your daily life.
Though the above activities may seem trivial, but always remember, all the good results normally come from doing simple meaningful acts than falling for false illusion of accomplishment by attempting the complex routine.

Just be honest and consistent in your conversation, one day You will surely discover your own Happiness Catalyst{s} and Joy Boosters.
Have a Peaceful Happy...Life

Thursday, June 10, 2021

-Key Attributes of a Successful Professional-

-Key Attributes of a Successful Professional-

Have you ever analysed why some people in your organization and professional circle achieve big and make a mark while many do not get same level of success? What set of personality traits and behavioral attributes these individuals had which made them more relevant in the organizations.

So, which are these personal attributes that contribute to a great professional success. Here I share my list of attributes and traits based on experience and observations during 2 decades of my professional life.

The first common trait I found was COURAGE, surely it does not mean irrational heroism. Courage as I think is the ability to go against the tide, not always taking the least resistance path and also stand unnerved in the most trying times. The courage factor is also reflected in the behavior like - Speaking Your Mind and Taking the Decisions that had elements of Risks, obviously with trade off analysis.

The 2nd most important attribute is the Strong Communication Skills. I always found that the honesty of purpose and genuine emotions were the integral ingredients of the pitch and the dictum. The other very important aspect was related to mannerism that sincerely cares for the Listener. Finally, the unique feature in many cases was a good understanding of “Language of Silence” and “Power of Listening”.


Perseverance and Can-do Mindset- These qualities, probably, were the most common among the successful lot. There is kind of never-ending infectious energy which drives the actions and thoughts towards the goal. Always Working to Win and Succeed, not just register the attendance. Many times, the success is achieved just by staying in the field and holding the fort with all your energy and hope. Even if they fail, it was a graceful loss, but the important part was to restart the journey with the same Winner mindset.

Love My Job - As the very famous quote say “If You Love Your Job, you will never need to Work”. Absolutely the golden truth of our life, truer in the professional world. The lot in our analysis demonstrated in abundance this particular attribute.  In-fact there is definite contribution of this personality trait towards their perseverance and professional efficiency.

Last but not the least these were the most Authentic and Genuine individuals. These traits help in building and winning trust among colleagues and customers which is a key to any successful relationship. Their words and actions were valued and seen without any suspicion. Infact this attribute opens more avenues and business prospects as there is a definite comfort working with such Genuine and Authentic people.

There can not be an absolute list of attributes which make a person successful in professional life. I am sure you all have your own list based on your experience, may be some commonalities with my analysis. Would love to hear your comments and feedback. 

Have A happy Day...

#success #mindset #leadership

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Logistics Quality Issues- A Drain to Bottom-line & Customer Satisfaction for Direct Selling/ eCommerce Companies

Hi Friends

During my corporate career of more than 2 decades I had the opportunity to lead the Quality Management and Process/ Tools deployment function (Projects Division) for a multinational organization. I was fortunate to have qualified and experienced QA experts in my team who were big support for the effective deployment and off course for my own learning. It is a vast subject and we have seen many Schools-of-Thoughts including Deming, Juran, Goldratt, Six Signa, and many more which have enlightened the function during last century.

My views today are specifically tuned for the Direct Selling Organizations, and also true in parts for E-commerce companies in general.

Before I share my points on topic It would make sense to define the term "Quality" the way I see as a Customer, and also my understanding based on my Professional experience:  

"Quality is the Experience that Customers Undergo Over the Entire Life Cycle of Product(s) or Service(s), starting from their First Interaction (direct or Indirect, formal or informal) and till the end of useful or projected life of the Product or Service."

Broadly we can divide the Experience in three parts*,based on the stage of customer interaction or touch points: 

1. Decision forming phase 
2. Decision Execution Phase
3. Decision Experience Phase

(* The complete process of Quality function planning and deployment at the manufacturing level is not considered here as that is internal to seller or supplier but the outcome is definitely felt by the customer in their various experiences outlined above). 

Decision Forming Phase covers the period of exploration, customer has got a need and trying to find the solution or sources, weighing different options, getting information from the sellers, asking queries,  going through reviews and finally decide to buy or own the product or service.  

Decision Execution Phase defines the period when customer goes for placing its trust, and decodes to order and this period extends up to the point when the delivery of desired product happens.

Decision Experience Phase begins after the customers get the delivery and they start using the product or services. The phase extends till the product has completed its useful life and or customer has stopped the usage for some reason that is not related to product directly. But the reason which demands attention from the supplier and manufacturer is the forced stoppage of usage before the warranted life or projected useful life. 

Ideally the Customer is entitled for a "wow" experience throughout all stages, and professional organizations make every effort to deliver same. Still failures do happen for variety of reasons and despite the best intentions and design / planning, there are always scope for improvement. 

Here the most important point to understand and note is the the adverse impact on Brand value,  Bottom-line (profits) and top-line (Sales or Revenue) that a "poor or bad"** experience can bring. 
**When Customer's expectations are not met or if it feels or perceives a raw or unfair deal.

Key Logistics Quality Issues in Direct Selling Business

1.    Damaged / Leaked or Unusable product (poor packing, mishandling and poor product sealing) 
2.    Wrong or Missing product delivery (mostly human error, also related automated system deployed            in dispatch section/ ware houses)
3.    Quantity mismatch (same reason as put against point 2 above)

(for this discussion the product quality issue is not considered as the same does not fall under logistics)

As numbers especially language of money always delivers more impact or meaning, let us workout a high level estimate of cost of poor quality related to logistics issues which organizations have to bear and thus absorb direct hit to their bottom line. 

Let us workout a hypothetical case with following assumptions

Company Turnover                                     INR 1000 Crore
Avg Order Value                                          INR 3000
Defect Rate (logistics Quality Issues)         2 %

Estimated no of deliveries                          (1000 X 10,000,000) / 3000     =     3,333,000 approx

For 2 % defect rate which comprise all the deliveries which see any of the three above listed logistic quality issues. Each such event calls for  two additional dispatches (one return dispatch by customer and one re dispatch by the company. Additionally in case of damage to the product there is additional cost towards replacement.

Total no of additional dispatches                   2% x 3,333,000 x 2    = 66,660

i.    Assuming Cost (per event) incurred incl overheads towards dispatch (courier charges) = Rs 250
ii.   Incase of damage of product (s), assuming avg replacement cost 
      per event and 50% frequency (1% only)             =        Rs 1000

A.    Total Cost Estimates towards logistics (courier only) =    250 x 66,660 = INR 16,665,000
B.    Replacement Cost for damaged / unusable products   =    1000 x 66,660 x 0.5 = INR 33,330,000

Total Cost Estimates towards logistics quality issues         =     49,995,000 (almost 5 crore)

This is approximately of 0.5% of total Company Sales which can be easily optimized by introducing better system and processes to monitor the key activities. The figure becomes more disturbing if look at from the profitability parameter. If a company is making net profit of 10% then there is definite opportunity loss of 0.5% in net margin. Infact this is 5% of total profit company is presently making.

Besides the direct hit to bottom-line there is a medium / long term term adverse impact on Sales as such bad experience may lead to loss of customer especially if the events are repeated. The other cause of anxiety, pain and dissatisfaction for customers are elated to additional work they have to do for logging the claim and then making arrangements for the dispatch (some companies do offer their pickup services) etc.

The idea here is not to get lost in number jugglery but to initiate a discussion and conscious efforts towards minimizing the events thus preventing financial losses due to logistics quality issues. There are several ways we can mitigate, distribute or transfer the risks, all depends on leadership vision and drive which starts with  acknowledging the existence of such logistic issues and associated adverse impacts.  

How to address such issues- Based on my experience the best way to manage these type of issues is to create "Short Term Improvement Projects" with clear objectives and timelines.  The project should be assigned to a small cross functional team of talents. A structured approach with logical use of various Quality tools (brain storming, Pareto charts, Fish bone, Process diagrams, mapping etc) and regular reviews with the Steering Committee works very well.

Views and feedback are most welcome.

Have a Happy Peaceful Life ....

Monday, February 22, 2021

Mathematics- The Binding Force behind New Age Skills

Mathematics is a High Scoring Subject, we all have heard this line so often during our school days. Perhaps the real meaning of adjective Scoring is understood and appreciated more now as the market demand for Skilled Mathematicians has surpassed even some of the traditionally strong engineering disciplines. No doubt, Mathematics has become one of the most sought after knowledge and skill area that the most reputed companies across globe are looking for. 

Mathematics has always been the language of science and technology. Carl Friedrich Gauss one of the greatest mathematicians,  said "Mathematics is the queen of the sciences and number theory is the queen of mathematics." It is the common thread to other fields of study and for many of the current hot academic streams have a mandatory requirement of a sound knowledge of Mathematics. 

There is a increase in demand during last 5 years especially in industries like Software, Marketing Research, Insurance, Banking, Consulting, E-Commerce, Logistics etc. Do check the job offers and salary packages that the Mathematics graduates (MSc, BS and MTech) from top Institutes like IITs, CMI, ISIs, Delhi, Calcutta, Mumbai and Chennai University colleges are getting. The average packages secured by Mathematics graduates are even beating friends from some engineering streams.

There are some good reasons behind this new found love for mathematical skills. Before we deliberate further on market dynamics let us first understand the "What" and "What is the scope of Mathematics": 

  • Understanding the Numbers and Data
  • Modelling a real life situation into a mathematical equation
  • Deriving the inference, pattern, relation by analysis using logic, reasoning, theorems, statistical tools etc
  • Decision Science and Management

Key Drivers pushing Demand in Mathematical Skills

Thanks to rapid development and growth in Internet and Communication Technologies there has been a massive growth in E Commerce Industry. The unfortunate spread of Corona pandemic in 2020 further pushed the growth and acceptance of any thing to every thing on digital platforms.  Sellers sitting in some remote part of world find customers who are several thousand miles away from them. The world has become a global EMarket which not only changed the ways we do business but also brought changes in the new ways we serve the customers. Some of the  service industries which have seen big changes include Education, Restaurant, Medical, Personal Care, Home Repair and many more.

All these changes have also impacted the rules of business and the skills needed to sustain and grow in the new scenario. The key aspects and or functions like Customer Buying behavior, Customer Relationship Management, Marketing (E Market) Research, Supply Chain Management, Investment & Insurance management, Dynamic Pricing, Product Design, Financing and so on, needed be optimally tuned to meet the challenges and opportunities to achieve high efficiency and results in virtual contact less world. This has lead to bigger market, larger customer base and huge data to deal with.

These new requirements are what really causing a renewed interest and demand for trained mathematicians who have got the necessary training and skills needed to analyse the huge data, numbers and patterns. If you google the most sought after skills for the decade (2021-2030) you would surely find few fields in the top 5 from the list give here:

1.    Data Skills (Data Science)

2.    Artificial Intelligence  

3.    Machine Learning

4.    Block chain Technology

5.    Actuarial Science

6.    Investment and Banking

7.    Econometrics

8.    Marketing Research

All these skill areas are high in demand and offer great career prospects. To master any of these knowledge areas, one needs a good knowledge and understanding of Mathematical concepts and applications. A formal higher education in Maths is a must and we can make our Resume more marketable if we can add few electives like Statistics, Software, Marketing and Economics.

Readers are requested to explore more on topic and do encourage their kids to read more about the scope and good career opportunities available for trained Mathematicians.  

Feed back most welcome.

Have a Happy Peaceful Life..

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Happiness is all about BEING HUMAN

A Harvard Studies has been concluded recently which tracked the present life of its alumni population to know and analyze the basic question- "How Happy and Satisfied they are". The survey covered batches that passed out in the last few decades. The survey came out with few interesting observations with regard to factors that form the basis of real happiness.  

The survey had a fairly good mix of representation of age, social status, ethnic roots, religion, type of occupation, the field of education, location, etc. Though the majority of this supposedly elite class was doing good in their professional lives with few exceptions falling on either end of the success scale. The most important inference are shared below:

-Weak correlation between professional Success/ Growth / Social Status and Sense of Satisfaction or     Happiness in personal life. 

It means a person may not be really happy even though he or she was doing great professionally and vice versa. 

- The pleasant surprise was the strong correlation between a person's social popularity and acceptance and the Happiness/ Satisfaction in personal life.  It proved that the happiest lot of people irrespective of all background were those who could build, maintain, grow and sustain strong personal relations with others. This study reinforces the very basic corollary of human nature- Humans are intrinsically a Social Race and its natural tendency is for a strong community bonding. The "id" fabric of happiness is love, trust, and care.

I feel the study also offers a proven recipe for achieving life long happiness-

"BEING HUMAN in Our Conduct" is essential to achieve a Sustained & Lasting HAPPINESS.

Have A Happy Peaceful Life..

Life is A Beautiful Commitment with Friends Around

  Few thoughts on Friendship Day: Though I have a fundamental disagreement on putting such Sacred Emotion tied to one particular day, at the...