The Big Question- What makes us HAPPY?
Blog aims to spread Happiness and Joy to its readers by sharing Interesting, Informative, Inspiring and Motivating Views, Information, Quotes and Thoughts.
Thursday, June 17, 2021
The Big Question- What makes us HAPPY?
Thursday, June 10, 2021
-Key Attributes of a Successful Professional-
-Key Attributes of a Successful Professional-
Have you ever analysed why some people in your organization and professional circle achieve big and make a mark while many do not get same level of success? What set of personality traits and behavioral attributes these individuals had which made them more relevant in the organizations.
So, which are these personal attributes that contribute to a great professional success. Here I share my list of attributes and traits based on experience and observations during 2 decades of my professional life.
The first common trait I found was COURAGE, surely it does not mean irrational heroism. Courage as I think is the ability to go against the tide, not always taking the least resistance path and also stand unnerved in the most trying times. The courage factor is also reflected in the behavior like - Speaking Your Mind and Taking the Decisions that had elements of Risks, obviously with trade off analysis.
The 2nd most important attribute is the Strong Communication Skills. I always found that the honesty of purpose and genuine emotions were the integral ingredients of the pitch and the dictum. The other very important aspect was related to mannerism that sincerely cares for the Listener. Finally, the unique feature in many cases was a good understanding of “Language of Silence” and “Power of Listening”.
Perseverance and Can-do Mindset- These qualities, probably, were the most common among the successful lot. There is kind of never-ending infectious energy which drives the actions and thoughts towards the goal. Always Working to Win and Succeed, not just register the attendance. Many times, the success is achieved just by staying in the field and holding the fort with all your energy and hope. Even if they fail, it was a graceful loss, but the important part was to restart the journey with the same Winner mindset.
Love My Job - As the very famous quote say “If You Love Your Job, you will never need to Work”. Absolutely the golden truth of our life, truer in the professional world. The lot in our analysis demonstrated in abundance this particular attribute. In-fact there is definite contribution of this personality trait towards their perseverance and professional efficiency.
Last but not the least these were the most Authentic and Genuine individuals. These traits help in building and winning trust among colleagues and customers which is a key to any successful relationship. Their words and actions were valued and seen without any suspicion. Infact this attribute opens more avenues and business prospects as there is a definite comfort working with such Genuine and Authentic people.
There can not be an absolute list of attributes which make a person successful in professional life. I am sure you all have your own list based on your experience, may be some commonalities with my analysis. Would love to hear your comments and feedback.
Have A happy Day...
#success #mindset #leadership
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