Saturday, February 6, 2021

Comfort Zone Syndrome- Brakes on Your Personal Growth

Comfort Zone Syndrome- Brakes on Your Personal Growth

Very often we fall in trap of “Follow the Convention”, Syndrome, without giving enough thought and mind to important question- Is it really the best option available or nothing better can be done to improve the situation?. Why we do not challenge our intelligence and mindset, at-least try a relook, do a review of situation and then decide on our action, however small and incremental it may seem. 

The important question is - Why most of us accept the status-quo and avoid confronting scenarios?

Somewhere in our approach the driving factor behind  our action or rather inaction is the “Comfort Zone Syndrome” which discourages or avoids any CHANGE. 

At the same time what we do not understand & appreciate here is the loss of opportunities we are allowing with our inaction(S). Please have a look on below possibilities which are being lost:

1. Know your intrinsic strength, intelligence, courage and capability 

2. Improving Capabilities by trying to do something worthwhile (you feel so), and the learning always grows with the challenges. These efforts would help in self development by adding knowledge, perspective and skills that get sharpened in the process. 

3. Self belief and confidence, most important of all.

Thus it is very important for our own sake to challenge the status-quo with an intent to improve and add value, in the process, grow as a more informed, confident and capable individual.

Your thoughts most welcome.

Have A Peaceful Happy Life ..

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