Efficacy, Empathy, Expressive- 3 Es of EFFECTIVE Communication
I strongly believe that COMMUNICATION plays a critical role in shaping our personal & professional life(S). You would agree that Happiness and Success in life have a direct relationship with the quality of communication we exercise. Infact in the corporate world it is widely accepted that Communication abilities contributes almost 80% to our professional growth. This may look a little exaggerated but the message bears an important learning which we all should deliberate and consciously follow. Before I elaborate on 3 Es, let us see what is the understanding about the word "Communication".
My understanding remains very basic as shared below:
“Communication is Connecting with Others Effectively”
We often see a tendency to classify a communication in a good or bad brackets. This does not seem appropriate as it is highly subjective and varies with individual perception. Instead It would be better if we assess any communication in light of “Right” or “Not-so-Right” classification. A communication can be good technically but may not be Right in the Context, Situation or Occasion.
The key question is - which factors contribute to make an Effective Communication which is RIGHT also? My recommendation is for three attributes which are the essential recipe for an Effective and Right Communication. These are:
1. Efficacy
2. Empathy
3. Expressive
- The attribute Efficacy relates to the 100% faith and belief in Self about own capabilities to achieve the intended purpose of communication. It also means that person is fully convinced about the content, intent and objective of communication.
- Empathy is crucial, for two fundamental reasons-
a. Communication is never a monologue, it is two way free flow exchange of emotions and feelings. Here one must appreciate that words (written or spoken) are not the only expression but all non-verbal behaviour like reaction, impact or effect etc equally represent communication.
b. As the recipients are human who have got the emotions, expectations (heart and mind) and a have a situation, it is important that there is a demonstrated appreciation and acknowledgement of these three elements in our communication.
- Expressive, A Right Communication is always expressive, which is related to selection of right words, thoughts, tone and modulation with the appropriate feelings to create a Connect and make optimum impact
Basically a Right Communication leads to “Striking the Chord” situation, that is what really intended.
I share here an incident which was shown in the highly acclaimed Netflix Teleseries, The Crown, based on the Life and times of British Monarch, Queen Elizabeth II. The particular episode provides an account of her infamous visit to JAGUAR car 🚗 MFG company in late 1950s that saw her addressing the employees. It was an inappropriate speech devoid of feelings, considerations and out of time. The visit and her speech attracted a widespread criticism by the British media and also painted a poor image of Queen as a non progressive head of state. The irony was that the speech was drafted by the Queen's personal staff who were too much influenced and guided by the age old patriarchal traditions of monarchy in those times when the Democratic movement and industrial revolution were taking center stage in many parts of world.
Your feedback and thoughts are most welcome
Have a Happy Peaceful Life ...
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