Monday, February 8, 2021

Happiness Quotient of Organisation (HQ) - Should Organisations Introduce the new KPI- HQ

Happiness Quotient of Organisation (HQ) - Should Organisations Introduce the new KPI - HQ

Richard Branson, Founder Virgin Airlines wrote-"In my opinion, true success should be measured by how happy you are." 

It is a big statement but 100% true in letter and Sprit in an organisational context. The success of Organisation should not be measured just in terms of financial KPIs- top line/ bottom line, infact it makes lot more sense to gauge and understand the morale and mood of its most important asset - People (Employees), who actually deliver the financial results. 

It would be pertinent here to define what really HAPPINESS means to us?

A very simplistic definition can be "State of Self Worth, Positive Emotions & Feelings and Energy which add Motivation and Encourage Positive Actions "

Many Organisations, especially multinationals, regularly measure key people aspects like engagement, growth potential, collaboration, information, empowerment, transparency, role change opportunities (one question is also about the probability of employee recommending the company to new prospects) etc. to gauge the overall Satisfaction level of employees. The term normally used is Employee Net Promoter Score (NPS), which is a good indication of employee satisfaction.

However In my opinion these marathon exercises fall short on gauging the most important aspect of Organisational Health which is the “Happiness Level” of Employees, I call “Happiness Quotient”. 

Here it is worth quoting Warren Buffet’s golden thoughts:

“He measures success by how many people love him.”, so it is not the amount of money but the perception of people that really matters to him.

Since I do not find any definite measure of HQ, the key factors which should be part of this exercise are 

1. How many (% of total employees) employees are Happy and Satisfied with their current conditions

2. Further segregation can be done on a 4 pt. HAPPINESS SCALE with - Feeling dejected, Not Happy, Happy and Feel Elated based on employee feedback.

The key task with HR lies wrt design of right questionnaire that can capture the key factors which lead to employees response against 4 point scale as stated above. Some aspects which seem appropriate for such survey are - wellness policies, transparency, openness, role change opportunities, empowerment, collaboration etc.

It would be interesting to know if any such process exist in your current or past organisation(S) which follows a structured methodology to gauge the overall HQ of organisation.

Many of you might be aware, there is one very interesting example available but at a different level- infact on a bigger scale -

One of the most beautiful country which is blessed with tremendous natural beauty, BHUTAN, also called the “Land of Happiness”regularly measures the HAPPINESS  of it's people, probably the only country in the world.

Have A Happy Peaceful Life...

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