Thursday, February 18, 2021

Subconscious Mind - Our Own Karmic Power

Do you recall any instance in your life when you got up in the morning and suddenly got a flash of hope by way of some specific clue/ idea/ method/ answer or direction that helped you solve some puzzle and/ or address the issue which had been bothering you during last few days and despite all your sincere efforts you struggled and failed to find the solution. 

Some would see this as a one-off incident, a kind of divine intervention or just plain luck. No arguments to their understanding but at the same time please note the fact that these experiences are not one time affair, it can happen several time in the life of a person. The frequency of such events though varies with individual and has a linkage to persons's upbringing, ongoing circumstances, psychological make-up, acquaintance, physical and mental states etc.

The Medical experts and Psychologists clearly find a rationale behind these seemingly irrational events. There is something in our body which works nonstop 24 hr to process the information, form opinion, views, analyse challenges even during our sleep. This special accomplice is called the Subconscious Mind, a divine power, which is a very powerful tool each human being possess. It is also kind of hard drive which has been saving all kind of information it has been exposed to, all through these years, beginning from your birth. I read somewhere that the data held in our subconscious mind corresponds to several terabytes or is equivalent to many Britannica.   

It  is difficult to define a subconscious mind but all living beings are bestowed with this unique power which works round the clock and process the feeds our conscious mind pushes without being conscious about or making any special efforts. It is very important that we feed the right ammunition to our subconscious mind as ultimately it will come back for us only, good or bad - right or wrong. 

One theory which works perfectly to utilize the power of subconscious mind is repeat  or practice what you really wish. Once your subconscious mind registers the command then it will ensure all the right efforts from your conscious mind.... Interesting.....

Request readers to read some seminal works on subject, few suggestions from my side:
- The Power of Subconscious Mind by Dr Joseph Murphy
- The Genie Within: Your Subconscious Mind--How It Works and How to Use It by Harry W. Carpenter

Have A Happy Peaceful Life...

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