Monday, February 22, 2021

Mathematics- The Binding Force behind New Age Skills

Mathematics is a High Scoring Subject, we all have heard this line so often during our school days. Perhaps the real meaning of adjective Scoring is understood and appreciated more now as the market demand for Skilled Mathematicians has surpassed even some of the traditionally strong engineering disciplines. No doubt, Mathematics has become one of the most sought after knowledge and skill area that the most reputed companies across globe are looking for. 

Mathematics has always been the language of science and technology. Carl Friedrich Gauss one of the greatest mathematicians,  said "Mathematics is the queen of the sciences and number theory is the queen of mathematics." It is the common thread to other fields of study and for many of the current hot academic streams have a mandatory requirement of a sound knowledge of Mathematics. 

There is a increase in demand during last 5 years especially in industries like Software, Marketing Research, Insurance, Banking, Consulting, E-Commerce, Logistics etc. Do check the job offers and salary packages that the Mathematics graduates (MSc, BS and MTech) from top Institutes like IITs, CMI, ISIs, Delhi, Calcutta, Mumbai and Chennai University colleges are getting. The average packages secured by Mathematics graduates are even beating friends from some engineering streams.

There are some good reasons behind this new found love for mathematical skills. Before we deliberate further on market dynamics let us first understand the "What" and "What is the scope of Mathematics": 

  • Understanding the Numbers and Data
  • Modelling a real life situation into a mathematical equation
  • Deriving the inference, pattern, relation by analysis using logic, reasoning, theorems, statistical tools etc
  • Decision Science and Management

Key Drivers pushing Demand in Mathematical Skills

Thanks to rapid development and growth in Internet and Communication Technologies there has been a massive growth in E Commerce Industry. The unfortunate spread of Corona pandemic in 2020 further pushed the growth and acceptance of any thing to every thing on digital platforms.  Sellers sitting in some remote part of world find customers who are several thousand miles away from them. The world has become a global EMarket which not only changed the ways we do business but also brought changes in the new ways we serve the customers. Some of the  service industries which have seen big changes include Education, Restaurant, Medical, Personal Care, Home Repair and many more.

All these changes have also impacted the rules of business and the skills needed to sustain and grow in the new scenario. The key aspects and or functions like Customer Buying behavior, Customer Relationship Management, Marketing (E Market) Research, Supply Chain Management, Investment & Insurance management, Dynamic Pricing, Product Design, Financing and so on, needed be optimally tuned to meet the challenges and opportunities to achieve high efficiency and results in virtual contact less world. This has lead to bigger market, larger customer base and huge data to deal with.

These new requirements are what really causing a renewed interest and demand for trained mathematicians who have got the necessary training and skills needed to analyse the huge data, numbers and patterns. If you google the most sought after skills for the decade (2021-2030) you would surely find few fields in the top 5 from the list give here:

1.    Data Skills (Data Science)

2.    Artificial Intelligence  

3.    Machine Learning

4.    Block chain Technology

5.    Actuarial Science

6.    Investment and Banking

7.    Econometrics

8.    Marketing Research

All these skill areas are high in demand and offer great career prospects. To master any of these knowledge areas, one needs a good knowledge and understanding of Mathematical concepts and applications. A formal higher education in Maths is a must and we can make our Resume more marketable if we can add few electives like Statistics, Software, Marketing and Economics.

Readers are requested to explore more on topic and do encourage their kids to read more about the scope and good career opportunities available for trained Mathematicians.  

Feed back most welcome.

Have a Happy Peaceful Life..

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Happiness is all about BEING HUMAN

A Harvard Studies has been concluded recently which tracked the present life of its alumni population to know and analyze the basic question- "How Happy and Satisfied they are". The survey covered batches that passed out in the last few decades. The survey came out with few interesting observations with regard to factors that form the basis of real happiness.  

The survey had a fairly good mix of representation of age, social status, ethnic roots, religion, type of occupation, the field of education, location, etc. Though the majority of this supposedly elite class was doing good in their professional lives with few exceptions falling on either end of the success scale. The most important inference are shared below:

-Weak correlation between professional Success/ Growth / Social Status and Sense of Satisfaction or     Happiness in personal life. 

It means a person may not be really happy even though he or she was doing great professionally and vice versa. 

- The pleasant surprise was the strong correlation between a person's social popularity and acceptance and the Happiness/ Satisfaction in personal life.  It proved that the happiest lot of people irrespective of all background were those who could build, maintain, grow and sustain strong personal relations with others. This study reinforces the very basic corollary of human nature- Humans are intrinsically a Social Race and its natural tendency is for a strong community bonding. The "id" fabric of happiness is love, trust, and care.

I feel the study also offers a proven recipe for achieving life long happiness-

"BEING HUMAN in Our Conduct" is essential to achieve a Sustained & Lasting HAPPINESS.

Have A Happy Peaceful Life..

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Subconscious Mind - Our Own Karmic Power

Do you recall any instance in your life when you got up in the morning and suddenly got a flash of hope by way of some specific clue/ idea/ method/ answer or direction that helped you solve some puzzle and/ or address the issue which had been bothering you during last few days and despite all your sincere efforts you struggled and failed to find the solution. 

Some would see this as a one-off incident, a kind of divine intervention or just plain luck. No arguments to their understanding but at the same time please note the fact that these experiences are not one time affair, it can happen several time in the life of a person. The frequency of such events though varies with individual and has a linkage to persons's upbringing, ongoing circumstances, psychological make-up, acquaintance, physical and mental states etc.

The Medical experts and Psychologists clearly find a rationale behind these seemingly irrational events. There is something in our body which works nonstop 24 hr to process the information, form opinion, views, analyse challenges even during our sleep. This special accomplice is called the Subconscious Mind, a divine power, which is a very powerful tool each human being possess. It is also kind of hard drive which has been saving all kind of information it has been exposed to, all through these years, beginning from your birth. I read somewhere that the data held in our subconscious mind corresponds to several terabytes or is equivalent to many Britannica.   

It  is difficult to define a subconscious mind but all living beings are bestowed with this unique power which works round the clock and process the feeds our conscious mind pushes without being conscious about or making any special efforts. It is very important that we feed the right ammunition to our subconscious mind as ultimately it will come back for us only, good or bad - right or wrong. 

One theory which works perfectly to utilize the power of subconscious mind is repeat  or practice what you really wish. Once your subconscious mind registers the command then it will ensure all the right efforts from your conscious mind.... Interesting.....

Request readers to read some seminal works on subject, few suggestions from my side:
- The Power of Subconscious Mind by Dr Joseph Murphy
- The Genie Within: Your Subconscious Mind--How It Works and How to Use It by Harry W. Carpenter

Have A Happy Peaceful Life...

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Life's Principles - Our Own Internal Guides

Hi Friends

We all have our own beliefs and values which have cemented into our thought process like a binding glue. Most of the time these form the basis of our decision and judgments. In fact, the way we respond, act, or react to life's various situations is influenced by the same thought process. These guiding lights are normally considered the Principles one follows in life.

I am sure you all possess some specific values and beliefs which guide your decisions, actions, and responses.  Some of you may not identify or articulate your own principles but deep down in your heart, you do have your internal guides. 

I am deeply influenced and inspired by one particular thought which was a part of a very famous Bollywood song written by the legendary Gulzaar Saheb and soulfully composed by the Great Rajesh Roshan. 

“थोड़ा है थोड़े की ज़रूरत है,
ज़िंदगी फिर भी यहाँ ख़ूबसूरत है!”

(The song is from the cult Bollywood movie “खट्टा मीठा” (released in 1977), directed by the great Basu Chatterjee starring the stalwarts like Ashok Kumar, Rakesh Roshan, Bindiya Goswami, David, Kamini Kaushal, and Deven Verma.)

For me these two lines are not mere poetry but define the philosophy and outlook of life, I truly believe in. Over the years this has become the guiding principle of my life. It has always helped me in my most challenging times. This also corresponds to one very noble principle of life which most of the holy books propagate-

"Appreciate everything you already have in life"

I strongly believe that the learning and the guidance contained in the message can be a great recipe for a happy life.
थोड़ा है थोड़े की ज़रूरत है,
ज़िंदगी फिर भी यहाँ ख़ूबसूरत है!

ऐ दोस्त ज़रा ग़ौर कर, फ़क़ीर हो या हो दौलतमंद,
होता तो सिफ़र से ही शुरू यहाँ सबका सफ़र!

हसरतें तो हमारी ही पैदा की गयी निकम्मी औलादें हैं,
पूरी हो नहीं पाती ताउम्र, बन जाती नासूर ज़िंदगी भर!

जो भी मिला या पाया, वो मेरा है मेरा था अधिकार,
जो मिला नहीं कभी मुझे कहाँ थी मुझे उसकी दरकार!

अभावों में हंसकर जीना होता है एक खूबसूरत मिज़ाज और फन,
बड़ जाती है हर पल की क़ीमत, हो जाती है हर ख़ुशी अनमोल!

यह फ़लसफ़ा लगता तो है कुछ अजीब मगर,
लगा देता है पार जीवन नैय्या को वेकुंठ के दर!

थोड़ा है थोड़े की ज़रूरत है,
ज़िंदगी फिर भी यहाँ ख़ूबसूरत है!


Let us discover our own principles of Life. 

Have A Happy Peaceful Life..

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Love & Respect Your Child 'As Is'

Dear friends

Sometimes we get Real Inspiring and True-to-Core heart warming, and enlightening messages which touch our soul...sharing one such beautiful message.....

Father of an average child
Yes, you read it right. I am the father of an average child. By average, I simply mean my child is the average learner, average in scoring marks, average in sports and in extra curricular activities. What's special about him then? NOTHING as per society and school norms.
I often get asked, .... Your son must be good in math and studies in general... I simply say no, he is not. He is average. Am I ashamed to say this? No.. Should I be lying that he is the best in something which he is not, in front of others? Definitely no.
My son is that average child who people fail to notice either for not being at the top or being at the bottom. People fail to notice his sweet smile ,funny talks, tight hugs, friendly personality, kind behavior, mild manners, helpful nature because he is JUST an average child.
The school, society celebrates children who are top scorers or good in sports and extracurricular,which rightfully they should.
Amidst all this, my average child who is a spectator and cheers his friends with full heart goes unnoticed. His love for sports,( even when he knows he is not going to be selected for school team), his love for music(even though he knows he is not going to be selected for school choir) never diminishes. He does all this to enjoy it rather to compete.
Am I a father who is not strict with him for not scoring at the top. Yes, I am strict to an extent and have lost my cool many times in the past. His words pierced through me when my 7 year old asked, "dad, do you not respect me"?
How many of us thought we should respect children? We adults demand our respect each and every moment of our life. Why not a child?
Among children preparing for IIT, MBBS even at a tender age of 10 years. My average child is talking about travelling the world ,meeting new people and eating different cuisines.
*My average child might or might not become a doctor, astronaut ,scientist. But, he is sure to grow up to be a good person ,who will spread cheer*
Last but not least:
*Notice the average child. All that child wants is a smile or a kind word from us adults for just being himself to give him assurance to trust the world*
Each child is different, so is each parenting Style😊

Hope You like the message..

Have A Happy Peaceful Life..

Friday, February 12, 2021

Mamma's Boy- The Eternal Joy

Dear Friends

The purest of all relations is a Mother-Child bonding which is unique and special in many ways. Unconditional, Forgiving, Loving, Caring, Unbiased, Immortal are few of the attributes which truly define the God's noblest creation.

Sharing here a short poem which salutes this very very special bond.


Mamma's Boy- The Eternal Joy

In every family there is a little boy, 
who happens to be the Mamma's Boy.

He is sweet like honey but bundle of lies,
Still brings to family Happiness & Joy.

In every family there is a Mamma's boy.

Mamma enjoys playing with him, like a girl in her teen,
fights like a buddy and hold robes tight with dancing hi.
Why not, He happened to be the Mamma's favorite Toy.

In every family there is a Mamma's boy.

He may not excel in studies and not win any school prize,
Mamma still calls him the best despite all negative noise.

He has his dreams that look hazy to all except his best friend Mom,
Who can always visualize his aspirations like a clear blue sky.

Why not after all like all sons, he is the Mamma's pride.
In every family there is a Mamma's boy.

He may look weak to face the challenges of life,
But stands like rock for mamma like a brave Croy.

He charms with his innocent acts, definitely is not a Cloy,
He becomes a bodyguard to his Sis, not afraid to Stroy.

Why not, like all sons, he is the Mamma's pride.
In every family there is a Mamma's boy.

He is also the best buddy to his Pa, knows the ways to please him high,
He takes care of him like a wise son, gets things done without asking a single time.

The mother-child bond of love is the eternal one,
That always blossoms whether there is rain or sun.

That is why in every family, there is a Mamma's boy,
Who is a the sweetest and a bundle of pure joy.


Have A Happy Peaceful Life..

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Life is a Beautiful Journey, with YOU

Life is a Beautiful Journey, with YOU

We are in Valentine's week and many of you must be planning a special surprise for your love. To make the atmosphere more romantic sharing here one of my poems "Life is a Beautiful Journey, with YOU" which many of you would relate to because she is the one.

I dedicate this small poetic expression to all enterprising, confident and brave women who have brought hope and purpose to our life. 

With you around, I see the hope of an eternal sound... 
Feel assured and safe,  with some divine power exists all around.

You symbolize a true force who bears all the pain with a lotus smile,  
Always support the loved ones without making any fuss and noise.

You are the One, you are the ONLY ONE  

When fortunes smiled, you always held the compassion on pedestal-high,
And in times of trial and adversity retained the forts with unwavering poise,

You stood like a wall and kept the bad omen away from our lives,
You were the faith who could light our candles on stormy nights.  

You are the One, you are the ONLY ONE 

You Lead life with utmost courage and visible hope, 
You showed a rock resolve in the most difficult times.

When the storm hit our boat,  you changed to a lighthouse,
Guiding safely our wavering ships to the lap of calmer banks.  

You are the One, you are the ONLY ONE 

In your small journey of life in these challenging times,
You wore many hats with ease and visible shine, 
A Caring Partner, A Loving Mother, An Entrepreneur, and Friend,
Healing all along with compassion many children of Lesser God.

You are the One, you are the ONLY ONE

An Authentic Voice on your chosen fields, 
A beautiful hope for many in the virtual space, 

A Social media enthusiast, A passionate Leader selling in Hope
A “Beautiful Commitment’ vitalizing pride with mentoring light. 

You are the one You are the ONLY ONE


Have A Happy Peaceful Life....

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Efficacy, Empathy, Expressive- 3 Es of EFFECTIVE Communication

Efficacy, Empathy, Expressive- 3 Es of EFFECTIVE Communication

I strongly believe that COMMUNICATION plays a critical role in shaping our personal & professional life(S). You would agree that Happiness and Success in life have a direct relationship with the quality of communication we exercise. Infact in the corporate world it is widely accepted that Communication abilities contributes almost 80% to our professional growth. This may look a little exaggerated but the message bears an important learning which we all should deliberate and consciously follow. Before I elaborate on 3 Es, let us see what is the understanding about the word "Communication". 

My understanding remains very basic as shared below:

Communication is Connecting with Others Effectively

We often see a tendency to classify a communication in a good or bad brackets. This does not seem appropriate as it is highly subjective and varies with individual perception. Instead It would be better if we assess any communication in light of “Right” or “Not-so-Right” classification. A communication can be good technically but may not be Right in the Context, Situation or Occasion.

The key question is - which factors contribute to make an Effective Communication which is RIGHT also? My recommendation is for three attributes which are the essential recipe for an Effective and Right Communication. These are:

1.    Efficacy

2.    Empathy 

3.    Expressive

- The attribute Efficacy relates to the 100% faith and belief in Self about own capabilities to achieve the intended purpose of communication. It also means that person is fully convinced about the content, intent and objective of communication.

- Empathy is crucial, for two fundamental reasons- 

a. Communication is never a monologue, it is two way free flow exchange of emotions and feelings. Here one must appreciate that words (written or spoken) are not the only expression but all non-verbal behaviour like reaction, impact or effect etc equally represent communication.

b. As the recipients are human who have got the emotions, expectations (heart and mind) and a have a situation, it is important that there is a demonstrated appreciation and acknowledgement of these three elements in our communication.

- Expressive, A Right Communication is always expressive, which is related to selection of right words, thoughts, tone and modulation with the appropriate feelings to create a Connect and make optimum impact

Basically a Right Communication leads to “Striking the Chord” situation, that is what really intended. 

I share here an incident which was shown in the highly acclaimed Netflix Teleseries, The Crown, based on the Life and times of British Monarch, Queen Elizabeth II. The particular episode provides an account of  her infamous visit to JAGUAR car 🚗 MFG company in late 1950s that saw her addressing the employees. It was an inappropriate speech devoid of feelings, considerations and out of time. The visit and her speech attracted a widespread criticism by the British media and also painted a poor image of Queen as a non progressive head of state.  The irony was that the speech was drafted by the Queen's personal staff who were too much influenced and guided by the age old patriarchal traditions of monarchy in those times when the Democratic movement and industrial revolution were taking center stage in many parts of world. 

Your feedback and thoughts are most welcome

Have a Happy Peaceful Life ...

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

ग़ुरुMitra - A Student’s Counselling & Executive Mentoring Consulting Services


At ग़ुरुMitra our vision is

Guide, Coach & Mentor Young  Students  &  Executives  in Harnessing  Their  True  Potential. With Customised Counselling, We help to Build a Right Attitude, Mindset  and Capabilities for  a  Rewarding  Academic Journey and Professional  Career  through  Structured  Counselling  &  Mentoring”

We Guide and Counsel Students

- To know themselves better in terms of Strengths and Abilities 

- Guidance on right stream in grade 11th based on structured assessment of interest & abilities 

- Help them with the information on various Academic and Career Options available

- Guide and Coach them with the Right preparation to qualify entrance exams/ interview and secure a seat reputed college/ university.

- Mentoring throughput academic journey and professional career to ensure optimum growth.

ग़ुरुMitra works on 4 step Structured methodology for the first assessment of student’s personality & abilities to create detailed profile and high level academic & career plan.

For more information you can write to us at 

Have A Happy Peaceful Life..

Monday, February 8, 2021

Happiness Quotient of Organisation (HQ) - Should Organisations Introduce the new KPI- HQ

Happiness Quotient of Organisation (HQ) - Should Organisations Introduce the new KPI - HQ

Richard Branson, Founder Virgin Airlines wrote-"In my opinion, true success should be measured by how happy you are." 

It is a big statement but 100% true in letter and Sprit in an organisational context. The success of Organisation should not be measured just in terms of financial KPIs- top line/ bottom line, infact it makes lot more sense to gauge and understand the morale and mood of its most important asset - People (Employees), who actually deliver the financial results. 

It would be pertinent here to define what really HAPPINESS means to us?

A very simplistic definition can be "State of Self Worth, Positive Emotions & Feelings and Energy which add Motivation and Encourage Positive Actions "

Many Organisations, especially multinationals, regularly measure key people aspects like engagement, growth potential, collaboration, information, empowerment, transparency, role change opportunities (one question is also about the probability of employee recommending the company to new prospects) etc. to gauge the overall Satisfaction level of employees. The term normally used is Employee Net Promoter Score (NPS), which is a good indication of employee satisfaction.

However In my opinion these marathon exercises fall short on gauging the most important aspect of Organisational Health which is the “Happiness Level” of Employees, I call “Happiness Quotient”. 

Here it is worth quoting Warren Buffet’s golden thoughts:

“He measures success by how many people love him.”, so it is not the amount of money but the perception of people that really matters to him.

Since I do not find any definite measure of HQ, the key factors which should be part of this exercise are 

1. How many (% of total employees) employees are Happy and Satisfied with their current conditions

2. Further segregation can be done on a 4 pt. HAPPINESS SCALE with - Feeling dejected, Not Happy, Happy and Feel Elated based on employee feedback.

The key task with HR lies wrt design of right questionnaire that can capture the key factors which lead to employees response against 4 point scale as stated above. Some aspects which seem appropriate for such survey are - wellness policies, transparency, openness, role change opportunities, empowerment, collaboration etc.

It would be interesting to know if any such process exist in your current or past organisation(S) which follows a structured methodology to gauge the overall HQ of organisation.

Many of you might be aware, there is one very interesting example available but at a different level- infact on a bigger scale -

One of the most beautiful country which is blessed with tremendous natural beauty, BHUTAN, also called the “Land of Happiness”regularly measures the HAPPINESS  of it's people, probably the only country in the world.

Have A Happy Peaceful Life...

Sunday, February 7, 2021

The Power of Positive Expectations- Catalyst for Driving High Performance

The Power of Positive Expectations - Catalyst for Driving High Performance

Developing and Sustaining a High Performance Culture has always been a key objective for Team Leaders and HR function in any Corporate.  It is also a key aspect of Strategic Leadership to achieve High Operational Efficiency and Customer Satisfaction.  

In my professional life of almost 25 years, I have found time and again that the self actualisation achievements were more powerful and important than the monitory and hierarchical gains. To this effect one particular  Strategy which worked very well in majority of cases was “The Power of Positive Expectations”, driving high performance from individuals and teams. 

Unfortunately the word “Expectation” carries a negative persona, the general impression is that it is more about creating a false or unreasonable pressure on individual including or self that becomes a reason for dissatisfaction, demotivation and frustration.

I strongly believe that there is definitely a brighter side of “Positive Expectations” which remains untapped for the reasons stated above. 

So How does it work? How leaders and managers can effectively utilise the Power of Positive Expectations to drive high performance. 

The fundamental force behind this strategy lies in one very basic characteristic of human psychology- 

Most of the time People delivers to their Assumed of Projected Reputation”, or in simple words 

People Perform to the Expectations”, here the most important point one should remember- the expectation should be little stretched (to push the limits) and can be created by individual himself or by someone who really matters. 

I will refer two quotes shared here which summaries the whole point: 

“The quality of our expectations determines the quality of our action.” -A. Godin-


“Treat a man as he is and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he can and should be and he will become as he can and should be.” -Stephen R. Covey-

How to effectively apply the “Power of Positive Expectation” in a corporate environment, quite simple-

Just let the individual or team know (without any ambiguity) what they will or can deliver or capable of achieving. This should be done with a realistic assessment with visible element of trust and appreciation. This should be consciously done in private (personal) as well as public (during team or department meetings) levels.

Also, It is equally important that message is given by someone who matters I.e. Manager or Leader and also in front of those whose appreciation and acknowledgement would matter (team, department etc).

Besides giving a moral boost, the fundamental element which pushes high performance is the sense of self belief and confidence which surface due to trust shown by someone who has got the reputation and acceptanc. This creates a kind of 


The psychological pressure drives that EXTRA EFFORT & FOCUS which result in high performance delivery. Someone aptly said


In nutshell “Positive Expectations Increases the Might of our Thoughts”, the only precondition remains - right intent & realistic assessment...

Your views and feedback are most welcome ..

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Comfort Zone Syndrome- Brakes on Your Personal Growth

Comfort Zone Syndrome- Brakes on Your Personal Growth

Very often we fall in trap of “Follow the Convention”, Syndrome, without giving enough thought and mind to important question- Is it really the best option available or nothing better can be done to improve the situation?. Why we do not challenge our intelligence and mindset, at-least try a relook, do a review of situation and then decide on our action, however small and incremental it may seem. 

The important question is - Why most of us accept the status-quo and avoid confronting scenarios?

Somewhere in our approach the driving factor behind  our action or rather inaction is the “Comfort Zone Syndrome” which discourages or avoids any CHANGE. 

At the same time what we do not understand & appreciate here is the loss of opportunities we are allowing with our inaction(S). Please have a look on below possibilities which are being lost:

1. Know your intrinsic strength, intelligence, courage and capability 

2. Improving Capabilities by trying to do something worthwhile (you feel so), and the learning always grows with the challenges. These efforts would help in self development by adding knowledge, perspective and skills that get sharpened in the process. 

3. Self belief and confidence, most important of all.

Thus it is very important for our own sake to challenge the status-quo with an intent to improve and add value, in the process, grow as a more informed, confident and capable individual.

Your thoughts most welcome.

Have A Peaceful Happy Life ..

Life is A Beautiful Commitment with Friends Around

  Few thoughts on Friendship Day: Though I have a fundamental disagreement on putting such Sacred Emotion tied to one particular day, at the...